5 Ways to Get Dog Hair Outta Your Car

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Dogs are great. Except the shedding. But hey, it’s not their fault.

Try the unique ideas below to rid your car of dog hair. Some may work better than others. But they’re all worth a shot. If you have any other ideas, feel free to chime in. I’m sure everyone could use some tips.

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Hold something together. Patch a hole. Stick a banana to a wall. Duct tape has a lot of uses. You can add “pick up dog hair” to that list too. Just rip off a strip of duct tape and wrap it around your hand, sticky side out. Then pat pat pat on your car’s seats/floor to pick the hair up. (Don’t eat that banana by the way.)

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Next to the trash bags and dish soap in the cabinet under your sink, grab that pair of rubber gloves that you never really use. Put those babies on, splash them with a little water and run your hands over your car’s cushions. Most of the hair should cling to the gloves, and the rest should ball up, making it easier to clean up.

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Speaking of cling, try some fabric softener. It gets the cling out of clothes, and can work on your car too. If you have a spray bottle, mix a little fabric softener with some water and lightly spray your upholstery and interior. Then, wipe it with a paper towel or rag. Let it dry, and then vacuum up the hair.

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Unless you recently hosted a child’s birthday party, you likely don’t have any balloons lying around. But in the rare chance you do, give it a try on your hairy backseat. Rubbing the balloon on your car’s interior will generate static electricity, thus lifting the dog hair and sticking it to the balloon.

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Another useful tool: the vacuums at JetSplash. Our vacs are super powerful, and they’re free with any wash. Use them for as long as you need. They’ll lift the hair off the carpet and seats (be sure to use a lifting motion when cleaning—it’ll help draw the hairs up and out of the carpet fiber). And flexible hoses and functional nozzle design ensure all those hard-to-reach areas are cleaned too. Plus, bring your pup and we’ll give em a treat too.

There you have it. Give em a try. See what works.

Or you could always get your dog shaved too.

Stop in to JetSplash today, or shop washes/memberships online.

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