The Fair-Weather Washer


Fair-weather washer (noun)

[ fair-weth-er-wosh-er ]

: A person who will not visit the car wash until the perfect weather conditions arise.

Used in a sentence: “Have you seen Dave’s Jeep lately? That fair-weather washer won’t take it to JetSplash unless there’s 7 days of sun in the forecast!”

If you or someone you know is a fair-weather washer, hold on to your hubcaps.

A 2022 article in the Lincoln Journal Star reported that Yes, it has recently been windier in Nebraska than it used to be.

The worst part? The authors talked to real-life scientists and found that, well, no one is exactly sure why. According to Gannon Rush, a climatologist at UNL,

“There’s been quite a bit of chatter in the meteorological and climatological community about trying to figure out how much windier this year has been.”

Rush said that a lack of data makes it difficult to understand and predict wind patterns.

You can say that a-gannon.

We’re not climatologists (and we don’t have sweet names like Rush!) but we know one thing for sure:


More wind means more dust, dirt, grime and slime on your vehicle — and more often.

Your best bet? A Monthly Membership with JetSplash. With unlimited washes, you don’t have to stress about timing your wash just right. And you can select from our premium options to get the most out of every wash.

Things like:

  • Jet Gloss (comes standard with our Gloss Wash)

  • Mud Blasters (comes standard with our Shine & Gloss Washes)

  • Tire Shine, Rim Cleaner and Rain Repellent (come standard with our Wheels, Shine & Gloss Washes)

Don’t think its worth it?

And if a rogue wind rolls through and makes your ride look like a prop from Dune, Rush over to one of our seven convenient locations and we’ll get you in ship shape.


JetSplash’s 100% Bug-Free Guarantee


The Pros and Cons of Rain