"The Line Moves Quick." How?

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At JetSplash, we wash hundreds of cars a day—each one with a standard hand-prep, wash and hand-dry. Seems like you’d be in line forever, right? Let us enlighten you…

Actually, first let some of our recent customers enlighten you…

Just a few more…

Okay, now let us enlighten you…

Washing hundreds of cars a day and still staying speedy enough for a woman named Catharine to leave us a 5-star review is no small feat. We’ve worked hard to offer not just the most thorough car wash in Lincoln, but a speedy one too. So how do we do it?

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We’ve been in the car wash biz here in Lincoln since 2003. That’s the same year iTunes came out.

And in those years, we learned quite a bit about the car wash process. We tinkered away year after year, trying new products/systems/ideas. And now, we’ve perfected each and every step from the moment you arrive dirty to the moment you leave clean.

That’s maximum quality AND maximum efficiency.

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Most people don’t go to car wash trade shows.

We’re not most people.

To be a car wash expert, you must stay privy to the latest products, equipment and happenings permeating the car wash industry. That’s us. We’re constantly learning and sharpening our wits on the best, most efficient equipment for our wash tunnels and our customers. Since our focus is solely on the wash and not on other jobs other like selling gas and scratch tickets, we guarantee our equipment is always state-of-the-art. We even clean it every day too.

The more efficient the gear, the more efficient your wash.

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Another thing we’ve finessed throughout our car wash tenure? Perfecting the layout of the wash—from entrance to exit. There are lots of elements to consider when building a car wash built on speed—topography. Ease of access. Whether to have 1 or 2 drying lanes. (The answer is 2.)

We design our space smartly so you can use it quickly.

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Between all JetSplash locations, we have 150+ employees on staff. And each one of them has been rigorously trained in all aspects of their roles. Once those training wheels come off, you get:

  • Friendly, knowledgeable, respectful sales advisors who make your decision easier, so you can get your wash ticket faster.

  • Crafty hand-preppers who guide you on the track fast, priming your car and prepping any trouble spots as you roll.

  • Smiling hand-dryers who know where to start drying and where to finish—with proper hand motions too—for the quickest, most thorough finish.

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We really appreciate our loyal customers. So we reward them with a few perks—including a member’s only Express Lane. For a 1-time charge of $4, members can get a Fast Pass tag, then cruise thru the Express Lane each time you come in.

Not to beat a dead horse, but that makes things faster too.

So come check out JetSplash for a fast, friendly car wash. The line moves quick.


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4 Perks of Hand-Drying