JetSplash’s 100% Bug-Free Guarantee
Let’s take a moment to remember a few of the winged friends we lost this year… that we ended up washing off and putting to rest at JetSplash Car Wash.
4 Perks of Hand-Prepping
Every JetSplash wash comes standard with a hand-prep power-wash before entering the tunnel. Why do we do this?
JetSplash: A Hands-On Approach
Hello. Let’s talk about JetSplash’s hands-on approach. And by “hands-on,” we’re talking literally.
We Know a Thing or 6 Million... Part II
Part II of our “We Know a Thing or 6 Million” article.
We Know a Thing or 6 Million...
With 6 million cars washed comes countless experience. So what have we learned? Well, definitely a thing or 2… or 6 million…
Service That Shines
How exactly does our shining service differ from other car washes in town?